Episode Count
Opening Titles: Something For Everybody
Play Along
Nothing Like It!
1st Four: Lakisha Dalai
Colleen ??
Dorina Temble
Kenneth ??
Models: Heather Kozar
Claudia Jordan
Nikki Ziering (mic)
1 Trimline 2650 Treadmill (H)($1119)
Dorina could win a Honda Rebel Motorcycle (N) and a Mr. Driller
Video Arcade Game with proper placement of the ONE RIGHT PRICE
$2999 $3995 LOSS
Natalie Morelli
2 Flexsteel Chair & Ottoman (C)($1518)
*Kenneth 925 NATALIE 650 Colleen 550 Lakisha 900
Kenneth, US Navy, could win a Ford Mustang Coupe (auto)(H/N)
becoming the first contestant to ever play THAT'S TOO MUCH!
$10,449 $11,950 $13,112 {$15,206} $16,121 $17,540 $19,980
$18,315 LOSS
Ronald Hibbard
3 Grand Decor Rail Plate (H/N)($1100)
RONALD 1300 Natalie 1425 *Colleen 1100 Lakisha 1000
Colleen, from Canada, wins a $500 bonus for a perfect bid and
could now win $10,000 playing GRAND GAME
Target Price: $6.25
Let's Start Back At $ 1
Lysol Disinfectant Spray $4.32 10
Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Relief 4.29 100
Off! Mosquito Coil Bug Repellent 5.99 1,000
Kaopectate Remedy 5.49 $10,000 WIN
Citracal Calcium Citrate $7.69
Flintstones Vitamins 6.72
Showcase Showdown #1
$ 1,119 Dorina 20 + 10 30
1,518 Kenneth 10 + 25 35
11,600 Colleen 55 Through to the Showcases
Jennifer ??
4 2 Fox His & Hers Tennis Rackets (N)($530)
Ronald 800 Natalie 400 JENNIFER 600 *Lakisha 500
Lakisha could win a Corsican Day Bed w/Loving Care Mattress
Set (N), a Whirlpool Side-By-Side Refrigerator/Freezer (C) and
a Wallace Silversmiths Punch Bowl Set (H) playing BUY OR SELL
DAY BED $1589 BUY $1189 -$400 -$400
R/F 1499 SELL 1199 + 300 - 100
PUNCH SET 2925 SELL 2125 + 800 + 700 WIN
Adam Kelley
5 Rustic Crafts Cherry Fireplace (w/Jennifer Convertibles G.C.)(H)($1175)
Ronald 1750 Natalie 1822 *Jennifer 1 ADAM 1500
Jennifer could win a Ford Taurus LX (side airbags, ps&fp)(C) plus
a Hamilton Beach Slow Cooker, Star Wars Figurines, a Digital
Lithium Battery Scale and an Even Flo Vaporizer playing SWITCHEROO
$ 1 9 5 [7] 7 TAURUS
[8] 8 COOKER
[2] 3 TOYS
[3] 0 SCALE
After 30 seconds, only 1 is right. She goes again
$ 1 9 5 [2] 7 $19,537
[7] 8 $28
[3] 3 $83
[8] 0 $70
[1] 6 $16 WIN
Bayo Curry
6 O'Brien Nylon Water Tubes (w/Anbesol Pain Reliever)(H)($530)
Ronald 650 Natalie 651 BAYO 1200 Adam 550 OVERBID
*450 1 395 420
Ronald could win a trip to Penang, Malaysia (6n, Shangri-La's
Rasa Sayang Resort)(C/N) if he doesn't get caught in a SQUEEZE
SETUP 31060
PICKS $3160
Showcase Showdown #2
$1,291 Jennifer 75 Through to the Showcases
3,730 Ronald 70 + 40
5,743 Lakisha 35 + 85
Top Winner: Colleen
Runner Up: Jennifer
SC1 - Colleen
BID $21,500 "Fun Ways To Get Away From It All"
ARP 29,650 Victoria BC (6n, Harbour Towers Hotel) (C)
DIF 8,150 Beachcomber Hot Tub (H)
Ford Escape XLS 4x2 (XLS conv grp, 15" polished
Al wheels, sidestep bars)(N)
SC2 - Jennifer
BID $16,000 Hooker Dining Room w/Michael C. Fina China (N)
ARP 19,616 51" Stereo Big Screen TV (N)
DIF 3,616 Samick Petite Mahogany Grand Piano (C)
TTL $20,907
Games Won: 3 for 6
Total Won: $44,617
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