Episode Count


October 2024




Opening Titles: The Happiest Hour
                Welcome Aboard
                Keep Smiling!

1st Four: Cheri Robertson
          Rose Briscoe
          Angelina Wilson
          Thomas Murphy

Models: Kathleen Bradley
        Chantel DuBay
        Janice Pennington 

Bob: Door #2
Mic: Janice Pennington
1 Worksman Cycles Team Dual Trike (K/C) ($1044)
CHERI 675   ROSE 825   ANGELENA 1000   *THOMAS 1001

Thomas could win a Zyliss Carlo Giannini Rialto Coffee & Tea
Service (J) or a Mercury Tracer 4-Door Notchback (std, A/C,
auto, CA Em) (J) playing ANY NUMBER

   TRACER     $1 3 2 - 0   ($13,270)
TEA SERVICE        5 - 4   (    564)
 PIGGY BANK        9.8 1       LOSS

Picks - 3 5 9 8 0 4 2 1

Wilbert Oban 2 Little Miss Liberty Of Beverly Hills Round Crib (J) ($1078) *Cheri 999 Rose 1210 Angelena 850 WILBERT 750 Cheri could win an IWI International Wrought Iron Flower Cart (J), a Flexsteel Sofa (K) and a Whirlpool Washer & Dryer (C) playing EASY AS 1-2-3 FLOWER CART SOFA W&D [1] [2] [3] $ 613 $1581 $1018 LOSS
Angela Graham 3 Ducane 2004-SS Gas Barbeque Grill (J) ($943) ANGELA 750 Rose 800 Angelena 825 *Wilbert 900 Wilbert, from South Dakota, could win up to $16,000, becoming the first contestant to ever play IT'S IN THE BAG Wilbert's Choices Actual Products Heath Candy Bar $ 0.55 Heath Candy Bar $ 1,000 Surf Detergent 14.59 Oscal Calcium Supplement LOSS Oscal Calcium Supplement 5.60 Surf Detergent Sunbeam Bread 1.49 Sunbeam Bread Nabisco Bran Cereal 3.31 Nabisco Bran Cereal Unused: Skippy Peanut Butter
Showcase Showdown #1 $ 943.00 Wilbert 95 Through to the Showcases 1,053.81 Thomas 5 + 1.00 1,078.00 Cheri 85 + 35
Glen Cooper 4 IWI International Wrought Iron Wine Server Cart (C) ($525) *Angela 450 Rose 675 Angelena 726 GLEN 725 Angela could win Arctic Cat Puma Deluxe & Cougar Snowmobiles (J) playing FREEZE FRAME [75 50] 12 [86 48] 92 LOSS 48 14 86 65
Beatrice Burt 5 Lloyd/Flanders Lounge Chairs (w/Geritol Complete) (J) ($823) BEATRICE 550 Rose 650 Angelena 450 *Glen 651 Glen could win a Catalina Spas Mahogany Gazebo Spa (C) worth $7,595 via SECRET X X| |X Golfer's Drink Dispenser [$50] $75 $50 | | Universal Remote Control 7 [ 10] 10 X|X| LOSS
Inline image Beverly ????? 6 Solid Cherry Wall Clock (K) ($1248) Beatrice 675 Rose 695 *Angelena 751 BEVERLY 750 Anglena has a chance to save us from a winless show by trying to win a Ford Taurus G Sedan (std, CA Em) (J) playing ONE AWAY $27,754 is NOT the right price. Might it be $18,645? 5 honks. WIN
Showcase Showdown #2 $ 525 Angela 75 908 Glen 80 Through to the Showcases 19,893 Angelena 50 + 60
Showcases Top Winner: Wilbert Runner Up: Glen SC1 - Wilbert BID $25,500 "Little Know Politicians" ARP 29,535 The Movie Book 43 Horror Movies (J) DIF 4,035 Oslo, Norway (6n, Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Oslo) (K) TTL $30,478 Regal 2100 21 FT. Sport Boat (C) SC2 - Glen BID $13,600 "Prizes Found in the Ala Mona Shopping Centre" ARP 24,720 Honolulu, Hawaii (6n, Outrigger Reef) (C) DIF 11,120 Oak Country 7 PC. Dinette (K/J) Universal Gym Equipment Track Treadmill (K/J) Young Chang Regal Professional Grand Piano (K/J)
Games Won: 1 for 6 Total Won: $53,935.81

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