Size: 12Kb Info: 11Khz, 8b, M, 1.1s FileName: vault-clockstart Source: Jay Lewis
Description: A dramatic chord starts the clock
Size: 8.5Kb Info: 11Khz, 8b, M, 0.8s FileName: vault-correct Source: Jay Lewis
Description: A whimpy ping denotes a right answer
Size: 5.8Kb Info: 11Khz, 8b, M, 0.5s FileName: vault-h2houttatime Source: Jay Lewis
Description: This 'clunk' means the contestant ran out of time in the head to head round
Size: 15.1Kb Info: 11Khz, 8b, M, 1.4s FileName: vault-outtatime Source: Jay Lewis
Description: Another dramatic chord ends time in the first round