Size: 11,951 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.540s FileName: winline-bailout Source: Jay Lewis
Description: When the bail-out button is activated, you hear a heartbeat sound
Size: 45,927 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 2.080s FileName: winline-loser Source: Jay Lewis
Description: If a player is eliminated during the 2nd round, you hear this odd drum beat
Size: 16,507 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.746s FileName: winline-pass Source: Jay Lewis
Description: This techno 'ding ding' indicates a pass during 'The Wonderwall'
Size: 16,142 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.730s FileName: winline-phoneno Source: Jay Lewis
Description: A cymbal-roll indiactes a number being added to the "home game" 
Size: 12,069 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.545s FileName: winline-pitstop Source: Jay Lewis
Description: If a player opts to use a pit-stop during 'The Wonderwall' , you hear this power down
Size: 27,114 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 1.227s FileName: winline-right Source: Jay Lewis
Description: A 'ting ting' is used when a player finds a correct answer on 'The Wonderwall'
Size: 31,764 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 1.438s FileName: winline-ringin Source: Jay Lewis
Description: The ring in sound from the 2nd round
Size: 27,646 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 1.251s FileName: winline-safe Source: Jay Lewis
Description: If a player is not eliminated during the second round, you hear this techno-blong
Size: 32,687 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 1.480s FileName: winline-timer Source: Jay Lewis
Description: 2 'klik-klak's of the timer.  They repeat these "ticks"
Size: 20,452 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.925s FileName: winline-winner Source: Jay Lewis
Description: This downward drumroll signifies the winner of the tossups from the first round
Size: 21,500 bytes Info: 22Khz, 8b, M, 0.973s FileName: winline-wrong Source: Jay Lewis
Description: If someone gets a Wonderwall question wrong you hear this "thump"