Take Two

Fonts Used

1st Title - Caracteres
2nd Title - Acklin
Names - Helvetica Bold Condensed 
Old Prices - Helvetica Bold
Prices - Helvetica Medium
New Names/Prices - Impact
Display - Eggcrate

Telephone Game

Fonts Used 

Title - Checkbook
Display - Sportstype Full
Prices -
Phone Numbers - Gothic No. 13


Fonts Used

1st Title - SI Font
2nd Title - New Zurica Bold
3rd Title - Times New Roman
Old Price Tags - Gothic No. 13
Old Display - Eggcrate
New Display - Helvetica Bold
Price Tags - Helvetica Bold
Numbers - Gothic No. 13

That's Too Much!
Fonts Used 

Title - That's Too Much! 
Prices - Arcane


Time is Money

Fonts Used

1st Title - OCR 
Old Prices - Courier New Bold
Product Name - Courier New Bold 
Display - Eggcrate

New Title -
10 second Clock -
Display - Swiss
Ranges & Prices - Swiss

To the Penny
Fonts Used

Gil Sans

Trader Bob
Fonts Used 

Title - Logger
Prices -
Gothic No. 13
Prizes - Swiss


Triple Play
Fonts Used 

Title - Impact 
Prices - Helvetica Neue 85 Heavy 



Fonts Used 

Title -
Displays - Impact


Walk of Fame
Fonts Used 

Title - 
'Range' Card - Trek Generation 1 
Prices -  
Display - Eggcrate
