1st Four: Neil Wilson III Karen Morris Zachary Kinnison Maricela Avalos Models: James O'Halloran Rachel Reynolds (mic)1 2 Razor Electric Driftcarts, Flags & Hlemets (J/George)($1690) NEIL 1100 KAREN 1808 ZACHARY 1000 MARICELA 1300 Maricela can win a Creative Arcades Video Pinball Game (J) and a 24" iMac (M1/8Gb/256Gb) and 13" MacBook Pro (M2/8Gb/256Gb) and Printer (R) playing DO THE MATH PINBALL ± $919 = COMPUTERS Maricela will SUBTRACT PINBALL + $919 = COMPUTERS $4007 + $919 = $3088 WIN
Ricky Ruiz 2 5Pc Valentino Accessories (R)($2220) Neil 2000 Karen 1100 Zachary 650 RICKY 957 Neil can win a trip to Los Cabos, Mexico (6n, Guaycura Boutique Hotel Beach Club & Spa)(J) worth $9,226 playing BULLSEYE Alberto VO5 Shampoo 3 @ $1.19 $ 3.57 Cheeze Whiz Dip 2 @ 5.99 11.98 WIN York Peppermint Patty Blue Wilderness Dog Food Favor Furniture Polish
Myisha McMiller 3 Bosch Stainless Gas Range (R)($2499) MYISHA 2000 Karen 1140 Zachary 1800 Ricky 2001 Ricky can win a Chevy Bolt EV 1LT (std, perfect interior cleaning kit)(J) playing GRIDLOCK! PRICE 2 66 93 78 84 05 57 $2 , 93 78 84 05 57 $26,6 266 93 78 84 05 26657 /!\ 93 78 05 57 26684 $26,684 WIN
Showcase Showdown #1 $ 9,704 Maricela 55 + 80 11,446 Neil 40 + 85 29,183 Ricky 70 Through to the Showcases
Laura Oliver 4 Canon G7X 20.1Mp Digital Camera & 64Gb SD Card (George)($774) Myisha 777 Karen 555 Zachary 800 LAURA 1 Karen can win a trip to Anchorage, AK (5n, Abby's Place)(R) playing DOUBLE PRICES $9442 $9442 $9442 $9442 WIN $7538
Hilfonso Starling 5 Danby Air Purifier, Air Conditioner & Dehumidifier (R)($950) Myisha 1601 HILFONSO 799 Zachary 1600 Laura 1425 Hilfonso can win a 5Pc Drum Kit, Throne & Metronome (J), Mandoline, a Samsung Digital Projector, Sleeve & 10,000 mAh Power Bank (J) and a Honda Civic Sport (std, first aid kit)(R) playing LINE EM UP 2 [5]34 [7]5 [9]78 9 $25,799 is wrong. 2 digits are correct though 2 [5]34 [7]5 97[8] 9 LOSS (ARP $25,779)
Jeannine McManigal 6 8Pc Le Creuset Cookware, Utensil Set & Salt & Pepper Set (J)($1112) Myisha 1 JAENNINE 1099 Zachary 1100 Laura 600 Zachary can win up to $50,000 playing PLINKO! Zachary's Free Chip $ 0 Homedics Foot Spa 4 [0] $80 0 32oz Glass Water Bottle [2] 1 24 0 Cooluli 12V Mini-fridge 5 [9] 50 Hamilton Beach Dual Sandwich Maker 8 [7] 47 0 TOTAL $ 0 LOSS
Showcase Showdown #2 $ 950 Hilfonso 15 + 90 1,263 Zachary 55 + 30 85 Through to the Showcases 10,216 Karen 70 + 35
Showcases Top Winner: Ricky Runner Up: Zachary SC1 - Zachary BID $25,250 Nexersys Boxing Trainer, Inspire Fitness CardioStrider, ARP 24,433 1 Yr Digital Sub & Pro-Form Treadmill (J) DIF OVER Allurez Aquamarine/Diamond Ring (R) Athens, Grece (6n, Aldemar Olympian Village)(R) SC2 - Ricky BID $29,156 "April Showers" ARP 34,764 Bar-height Dinette, Side Cabinet & 10 Board Games (R) DIF 5,608 Samsung 60" 4K TV (R) TTL $63,947 Ford Bronco Sport Big Bend (std)(J)
Games Won: 4 for 6 Total Won: $97,526