Episode Count


December 2024




Opening Titles: Hour Power (x4)

1st Four: Eleanor ??
          Charlotte ??
          Kathy ??
          Kenneth Potter 

Models: Holly Hallstrom
        Dian Parkinson
        Janice Pennington (mic)
1 Riverside 3 PC. Bar Set (w/Frostie Root Beer)(H)($899)

Kathy could win a trip to Amsterdam (6n, Amsterdam Marriot
Hotel)(D) and a Craig M-100 Language Translator (H), a
prize-package worth $3,346 playing GROCERY GAME

					  SUBT  TOTAL
Hormel Dinty Moore Beef Stew  4 @ $1.19  $4.76  $4.76
Archway Dutch Cocoa Cookies   4 @  0.89   3.56   8.32  OVER

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner
Listermint Mouthwash 
Certs Breath Mints

Zenith Brown 2 Amana Freezer (w/Ice Cream)(H)($620) *Kenneth 500 ZENITH 490 Charlotte 425 Eleanor 400 Sgt Kenneth, USMC, could win a Hanimex Super 8 Movie Camera & 808 Projector (J), a Ponderosa Pine Rocking Horse (J), a Caloric Microwave Range (D) and Easysemble Furniture Inc. Kitchenette Table (D) if he avoids the DANGER PRICE DANGER PRICE $400 RANGE $980 TABLE 400 LOSS CAMERA $330 HORSE 695
Barbara Ferguson 3 Encon Victorian Ceiling Fan (J)($271) BARBARA 325 Zenith 280 Charlotte 350 Eleanor 351 OVERBID 220 190 *250 271 Charlotte could win Mister Microwave Cookware (D), a Speed Queen Washer & Dryer (D) and an AMC Spirit VL 2-Door Liftback (std, bumper guards, glass belted radial tires, rallye stripes, tint, visibility grp, spoke style wheels, auto, A/C, cruise, light grp, tilt, pwr door locks)(H) but she'll only have TEN CHANCES COOKWARE - 5 0 3 - [ 50 ] [ 35 ] [ 53 ] WIN W/D - 4 2 0 9 - [ 490 ] [ 920 ] WIN SPIRIT - 2 0 5 9 8 - [5920] [5290] [5098] [5089] [5280] LOSS (ARP $5,820)
Showcase Showdown #1 $ 645 Kenneth 5 + 35 40 924 Kathy 50 + 70 1,244 Charlotte 5 + 80 85 Through to the Showcases
Eva Thomas 4 Jules Jurgensen Ladies Gold Watch (D)($350) *Barbara 350 Zenith 420 EVA 375 Eleanor 400 Barbara wins a $100 bonus for a perfect bid and could now win an Electric Tricycle (J) if she doesn't get caught in a SQUEEZE PLAY SETUP 13695 PICKS $1395 PRICE $1695 LOSS
Beverly ?? 5 Tryom Master Backgammon Game (D)($317) BEVERLY 320 *Zenith 270 Eva 255 Eleanor 1 Zenith could win a Pinball Pool Machine, a Murrey Swinger Pool Table & an Ace Hardware VCR (D), a prize-package worth $3,785 via SECRET X |X|X Black & Decker Dustbuster $30 [$40] $30 | | 2 Columbia 300 Bowling Balls 99 [ 85] 85 X| | LOSS
Norma Cook 6 Maytag Dishwasher (w/Electrasol)(J)($505) NORMA 550 Eva 426 Eleanor 290 *Beverly 500 Beverly can win 2 Chevy Chevettes (std)(D/H) playing IT'S OPTIONAL She'll have 4 chances to move the base price car ($4,715) to within $100 of the price of the optioned-up car ($5,740) OPTIONS AM/FM Radio Power Brakes Remote Sport Mirror Tilt Steering Wheel Air Conditioning Custom Cloth Interior Auxiliary Lighting Tinted Glass Automatic Transmission 0 $1100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ^ ^ ^ $4715 $5740 Air Conditioning 0 $1100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ^ ^ ^ ($530) $5245 $5740 AM/FM Radio 0 $1100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ^ ^ ^ ($100) $5345 $5740 Remote Sport Mirror 0 $1100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ^ ^ ^ ($25) $5370 $5740 Automatic Transmission 0 $1100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ^ ^ ^ ($320) $5690 $5740 WIN
Showcase Showdown #2 $ 402 Zenith 30 + 80 450 Barbara 85 Through to the Showcases 11,960 Beverly 60 + 1.00
Showcases Top Winner: Charlotte Runner Up: Barbara SC1 - Barbara BID $ 4,500 "TPIR Department Store" ARP 6,470 Namaco Industries Bed w/Natural Mattress Set (J) DIF 1,970 Amana Refrigerator/Freezer (H) TTL $ 6,920 Soundesign Home Stereo Console (J) Story & Clark Piano (H) SC2 - Charlotte BID $ 7,500 Bernhardt Sofa (H) ARP 10,148 Riverside Oak Roll Top Desk (J) DIF 2,648 Muntz Projection TV (D) Marquis Riveria Ski Boat w/Johnson VR Motor & Trail-Rite Custom Trailer (H)
Games Won: 1 for 6 Total Won: $22,095

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