Episode Count
1st Four: Alexa Anders
Steven Richard
Deanna Leslie
Daniel Gutierrez
Models: Manuela Arbeláez
Gwendolyn Osborne
Rachel Reynolds (mic)
Tie: Tie
1 25.5ft³ Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer (G)($2859)
*ALEXA 1250 STEVEN 1249 DEANNA 1100 DANIEL 1101
Alexa is chasing a Samsung 55" LED LCD TV, Panasonic BluRay
Home Theater System & 160Gb iPod (M) if she doesn't go too
6754 30
1 HLHL 25
2 HHLL 20
3 HHLH 15
4 HHHH 11
5 HHHL 6
6 LHHL 3
5049 ARP
Karen Todd
2 Ashley Bed & Laura Ashley Queen Mattress Set (R)($2299)
KAREN 1000 Steven 2000 *Deanna 2001 Daniel 1200
Deanna will die for a Hyundai Sonata GLS (std)(M)
if she picks correctly from the 5 Price Tags
Kids Backpack (R) $ 40 F $ 59
Breadmaker (M) 240 F 180
SPT Foot Massager (R) 90 T 90
Sephora Cosmetic Kit (M) 36 F 36
$22,525 ◄ 3 ◄ NO LOSS
$24,820 ◄ 2 ◄ NO
$23,270 ◄ 1 ◄ NO
$20,915 ◄ ARP ◄
Patricia Barrett was on the show back in 1982
3 HP Laptop, Printer, Carrying Case (M)($2149)
Karen 1000 *Steven 1500 PATRICIA 1499 Daniel 1200
Steven is going after a SpaBerry Portable Spa (R) and
a Grand Hall Barbecue (G) playing Switch?
$4995 $6167
$6167 $4995
$4995 $6167 ARPs LOSS
Showcase Showdown #1
$2,149 Steven 80 Through to the Showcases
2,628 Deanna 65 + 80
2,859 Alexa 70 + 50
Yo Gabba Gabrielle Goodner
4 Canon EOS50D 15Mp DSLR Camera ($1299)
*Karen 1 GABRIELLE 2000 Patricia 1400 Daniel 1650
Karen is headed to Denver, Colorado (7n, C Lazy U Dude
Ranch)(G) worth $8,943 if she wins Grocery Game
Dreyer's Orange Sherbet 3 @ $4.29 $12.87 $12.87
Pledge Orange Oil Spray 2 @ 4.99 9.98 22.85 LOSS
Tropical Orange Marmalade
Tic Tac Orange Mints
Hostess Orange Flavor Cupcakes
Stephanie Brooks
5 Mizerak Pool Table (G/R)($1400)
STEPHANIE 2000 Gabrielle 2200 Patricia 2350 Daniel 2351 OVERBID
1500 *1400 1600 1750
Gabrielle picks up a quick $500 bonus before trying to
pick up a Club Chair & Side Table (M), Salvatore Ferragamo
Purse & Wallet (R) and Honda TRX90 ATV (G) through
Most Expensive
(1) 2 3
$2075 $2175 $2999 LOSS
Bill Ledford
6 Car Stereo (M)($1940)
Stephanie 1200 BILL 550 Patricia 2300 *Daniel 1600
Daniel has a chance at a Dodge Charger SE RWD (std)(G)
if he manages to win That's Too Much!
$22,690 $23,235 $24,928 $26,023 [$29,550]
$25,140 LOSS
Showcase Showdown #2
$1,299 Karen 20 + 95
1,900 Gabrielle 65
1,940 Daniel 20 + 50 70 Through to the Showcases
Top Winner: Steven
Runner Up: Daniel
SC1 - Daniel
BID $26,200 Opulentitems.com Wine Bar (G)
ARP 27,599 Kawasaki STX15F Jetski (R)
DIF 1,399 BMW G650GS Motorcycle (M)
TTL $29,539
SC2 - Steven
BID $25,180 Bic Technocore 293 Sailboard (M)
ARP 29,604 Waterski Equipment (G)
DIF 4,424 Maxum 1800MX Skiboat w/ Tower (R)
Games Won: 0 for 6
Total Won: $40,374
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