Episode Count


November 2024




The Price is Right Episode Guide is an attempt to provide recaps for every episode of The Price is Right that has ever aired…over 9,700 daytime episodes (and counting).

While it might be (nearly) impossible to obtain every episode in recap form, as comprehensive a listing is the goal.

The focus will be on daytime episodes (and primtime specials), starting from September 4th, 1972. Even with the retirement of Bob Barker in 2007, episodes hosted by Drew Carey (and beyond) will be included.

Major contributions were made possible by: Steve Guillemette (Seasons 29, 30 & 31), Joe Capitano (Seasons 32-35), Jeremy Soria, Corey Law & Adam Bourre.

This compilation would not be possible without the following people having written recaps for either the Usenet group alt.tv.game-shows, specifically for this site or elsewhere:
Chris Anderson, Brian Lesko, James Vipond, John Isles IV, Richie Kennedy, Nick Johnson, Ryan Mihalus, Mike Klauss, Brian Hamburg, Frank Maggiore, Joe Capitano, Daniel Benfield, Brian Rathjen, Dan Crosby, Jamie DeVriend, Troy Diggs, Joe Lourenco, James Bibbs-Hatten, Mark Dykshoorn & Wayoshi

These folks wrote recaps for the site golden-road.net:
jimlange, OldPrice75, plinkowin2010, plinko2000, Hades1981, edmojautis, umbchockeypa08, actual_retail_tice, TheBigE, JasonA1, BigJ, Jordanar18, pathfinder2119, 3StrikesFan, supersaver87, Nickrj, garffreak, Sonic3300, Gatorman, kassilynn, Scott Robinson, TPIRaholic & goodboy16

These folks have been generous enough to upload episodes to Youtube, Veoh, etc:
Daniel Benfield, Michael Tiller, thewhammy83, temptation1979ga1, HYHYBT, rrunner81sg, David Downs, WarioBarker88, tallguytommy, Raarrow, retrogameshows.com, cool245flashmail, VideoSurferClassic, 7277Genius, TheMultiKingWorld, TVLubber, gamelover1949, Chelsea Thrasher, tvgameshowvault.com, ngg56, Digifangsn, sadler76, catnap1972, SJSharkWannabe, VintageTelevision, RNT RetroNauseaTV, Janfanforever, Thomas Hirzel, Adam Lopez, Nancy Young, Carrington Price, vcrcooking, Adam Curry, Steve Sadler Jr., Denise Shafer, Burt P, Bryan Burkhardt, “Channel 6”, Mark Simonian, Renee Wilson, “pannoni 8”, Museum of Television Production Music, Barbie G, 8-Ball Studios, puttputtking, Beverly Propst, Niza Pace, Rodney Ramos, Andy Saunders, Mike Jones, JC Fisher, David Hudnall, Eric Kwasnjuk, Prime Replay, Thrift Store Tapes, thatvhsguy, Alex Keays, gamesurf, Code Drop, Christy Carlson, James Shea, McKenzie Hrabik, Ceramic Dalmation, Mr City & Imad Khuri