Episode Count


May 2024




1) Hedstrom Playground Equipment (all 4) and Werther's ($60
   JASON $750   NORMA $801   TERRI $850   KENNETH $852    OVERBID
         $650        *$590         $652           $653

   SPELLING BEE: Ford Escort 3-door (JKM) $10,280    
                                       Free Card  3   R
                             Bid Prc   Free Card  9   A  
   The Club                  $49 $50 *            7   A
   Cat & Fishbowl Cookie Jar $33 $45  
   Refrig Water Filter       $39 $40 *           27   R (loses)      

2) Habersham Plantation Pie Safe (M)($1649) *Jason $851 ELIZAETH $450 Terri $520 Kenneth $850 POKER GAME: GE Dishwasher $498 Chromcraft Dinette $890 Recycling Cabinet $888 Michael C. Fina Flatware $600 Hands: 00098 88889 Win! (pass)
3) Claire Murray of Nantucket Rug (KH)($1099) *BRIAN $1027 Elizabeth $1350 Terri $1100 Kenneth $1351 CLOCK GAME: GE Refrigerator Freezer ($803) 600 700 800 900 850 825 815 810 805 804 803 Win! (19s left) Lobster Tennis Machine and Rackets ($909) 900 1000 950 925 915 910 905 906...908 909 Win!
S Norma $ 690 10 + 40 50 S Brian 2,811 55 + 95 1 Jason 4,825 85 to the showcase
4) Swan Zealand Day Bed and Loving Care Mattress (J)($1922) HOLLY $850 Elizabeth $ 995 Terri $1000 *Kenneth $1001 SQUEEZE PLAY: Rowe Laserstar Jukebox Jukebox (K) BOARD 48595 PICKS $4595 price: $4855 (lose)
5) Lloyd Flanders Wicker Tea Cart (MJ) and Sue Bee Honey (M) Holly $450 Elizabeth $295 Terri *$501 -> Peter $500 ($564) 3 STRIKES: Chrysler LHS (H) numbers: 1 3 6 7 8 1) 6 4th $- - - 6 - 2) 3 3rd NO 3) X X 4) 7 2nd NO 5) X X X 6) X X X X OUT (ARP $31,768)
6) Helbros Watch (H)($860) *Holly $800 Elizabeth $1 Deborah $1200 Peter $750 NOW OR THEN (11/85): Hotel de Franc, Vienna Trip (K) $8286 Medicine from Nature $6.95 Pine-sol $2.89 Klondike IC Sandw's $3.09 NOW NOW WIN Reynolds Wrap $1.88 THEN THEN Lever 2000 2pk $1.79 NOW NOW Chef B-A-D Beef Rav $1.99
S Terri $ 564 20 + 85 S Kenneth 1,922 35 + 90 2 Holly 9,146 5 to the showcase
TW: Holly, RU: Jason S Holly 1) RECLINE: Benchcraft Recliners (H) H $21,500 Conway Emerald 691 Spa (M) O 31,094 Dodge Intrepid ES (J) W 9,594 Holly Bids C 40,240 A S Jason 2) (Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour Presents) HOME GYM: E $11,000 DP Exercise Bike, BMI Home Gym, Nordic Track (K) S 10,336 Max 4500T 6WD Amphicar (J) OVER
Games won: 3 for 6 Total Won: $51,052

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