Episode Count


May 2024




First Four: Belinda, Kellie, Gwendolyn and Loraine

Models: Anitra Ford
	Dian Parkinson
	Janice Pennington

Bob: Door #2
Mic: Janice

Item #1: Homecrest Outdoor furniture (D)($545)
*BELINDA $425   KELLIE $350   GWENDOLYN $370   LORAINE $485

Belinda wins and will play SWITCHEROO for a Chevorlet Silverado
Camper (A) and Sarah Coventry Jewelry, DuPont cookware, CJ Gibson
memory books and Amerock hardware

$9 4 [ ] 7     TRUCK
     [ ] 0    JEWELRY
     [ ] 5   COOKWARE
     [ ] 9    BOOKS
     [ ] 9   HARDWARE
BLOCKS - 2 3 4 6 7

First guess:

$9 4 [7] 7     TRUCK
     [4] 0    JEWELRY
     [2] 5   COOKWARE
     [6] 9    BOOKS
     [3] 9   HARDWARE

Has none right. Second guess:

$9 4 [8] 7     $9447
     [7] 0      $60
     [3] 5 *    $35   WIN
     [4] 9      $29
     [2] 9      $79

Albert comes on down Item #2: Amana Microwave oven (J)($595) ALBERT $337 *Kellie $480 Gwendolyn $475 Loraine $450 Kellie wins and will play CLOCK GAME for a Muskin swimming pool (D) and a Chevorlet Nova (A) POOL 500 550 580 600 690 590 591...598 599 WIN (17s left) CAR - ($4,000 to $5,000) 4000 500 300 400 500 400 300 200 TIME LOSS (ARP $4,426)
Paul comes on down Item #3: Loveseat (D)$428) Albert $395 *PAUL $425 Gwendolyn $375 Loraine $520 Paul wins and will play RACE GAME for a Shakespeare CB Radio, Amana freezer, Wilson ladies golf clubs and an Imperial dinette set RIGHT TIME RADIO FREEZER CLUBS DINETTE 45 $350 $500 $265 $400 2 ?? 400 500 265 350 1 ?? 500 400 350 265 1 TIME $350 $400 $265 $500 ARPs
Showcase showdown #1: $ 580 Belinda 70 828 Paul 70 1,194 Kellie 80 Through to the Showcases
Elizabeth comes on down Item #4: Benelli Motorbike ($469) *Albert $426 ELIZABETH $375 Gwendolyn $425 Loraine $300 Albert wins and will play HI LO for an HMS Marine sailboat (J) worth $2,605 Rose Milk Skin Care $1.79 Shampoo 2.25 Pine Mountain Log 0.99 LO in HI Switzers Candy $0.59 Vegetables 0.79 Lip Quencher 2.00 LOSS
Deborah comes on down Item #5: Grandfather clock (J)($450) DEBORAH $600 Elizabeth $650 Gwendolyn $651 Loraine $590 OVERBID *450 525 390 425 Deborah wins and will play DICE GAME for Chevrolet Nova (A) [ ] [ ] [6][3][5][1] LOSS (ARP $4,120) [4] 1 [2] 0
Jerry comes on down Item #6: Bathroom vanity (w/Speed Stick)(J)($552) JERRY $150 *Elizabeth $425 Gwendolyn $305 Loraine $250 Elizabeth plays DANGER PRICE for a Vivitar camera outfit, Lane Action Recliner, Brother Sewing Machine and Leed Luggage by Leed DANGER PRICE $675 luggage $408 recliner 300 sew.mach. 420 WIN
Showcase showdown #2: Spinoff $ 450 Deborah 15 + 55 70 45 469 Albert 60 + 5 70 65 Through to the Showcases 2,355 Elizabeth 40 + 25 65
Showcases: Top winner: Kellie Runner Up: Albert SC1 - Albert BID $2,750 "Trip down Main Street" ARP 3,784 Bar set DIF 1,034 Olkahoma Round bed TTL $4,243 Modern Maid Dishwsher/range Zenith Entertainment center SC2 - Deborah BID $4,500 "Salute to Beethoven" ARP 6,883 London Records Beethoven records DIF 2,383 Stereo system Trip to Germany Cable Baby grand piano
Games Won: 1 for 6 Total Won: $9,650

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