Episode Count


April 2024




First four: Sandra, Judith, James and Lori

Item #1: Stereo jukebox ($760)
LORI $875   JAMES $300   JUDITH $350   *SANDRA $725

Sandra wins and will play GOLDEN ROAD for a refrigerator/freezer,
a swimming pool, and a Chevy Van

Product is Jolly Time Popcorn

Popcorn	     62ยข
Fridge	$   -38   6   $   638
Pool	  1,-28   3     1,328
Van	 14,-32   8    14,132  LOSS

Lea comes on down Item #2: Barbecue ($519) Lori $315 James $316 *Judith $317 LEA $275 Judith wins and will be the first to play HIT ME for a pinball machine, pool table and color TV worth $3,856 House: ?? 2 Player: SHOWN ARP CARD Trident Gum $4.90 $0.49 10 Brite Floor Wax 3.98 1.99 2 10 Ritz Crackers 7.12 0.89 8 2 10 STANDS House: 10 2 9 LOSS Player: 8 2 10 Unused: Hai Karate Cologne $10.50 Nestea Iced Tea Mix 15.33 Panel Magic 2.69
Sally comes on down Item #3: Aquarium ($466) Lori $325 *James $451 SALLY $450 Lea $250 James wins and will play RACE GAME for a cedar chest, sofa, desk and freezer RIGHT TIME CHEST SOFA DESK FREEZER 45 $310 $660 $515 $885 1 310 515 660 885 2 310 515 885 660 4 WIN
Showcase showdown #1: $ 519 Judith 15 + 20 35 goes to the showcases 2,726 Sandra 5 + 15 20 2,836 James 10 + 5 15
Ozie comes on down Item #4: Outdoor furniture (w/Castle and Cook products)($735) Lori $400 OZIE $349 Sally $470 *Lea $500 Lea wins and will play ONE RIGHT PRICE for a grandfather clock and a trip to Puerto Vallarta CLOCK TRIP $1316 $1090 $1316 WIN
Anne comes on down Item #5: Touring bicycle ($525) Lori $200 Ozie $250 *Sally $251 ANNE $150 Sally wins and will play TEN CHANCES for an electric blanket, washer/dryer and Ford Mustang BLANKET - 9 0 6 - [ 60 ] WIN W/D - 9 0 2 3 - [ 823] - [ 930] - [ 903] - [ 392] - [ 902] - [ 320] - [ 392] - [ 923] - [ 920] WIN
Pattie comes on down Item #6: Microwave (w/Paper Maid freezer wrap)($700) Lori $600 *Ozie $700 Pattie $860 Anne $450 Ozie gets to reach into the $100 pocket and plays SECRET X for a camping trailer worth $2,975 |X|X Car Care Books [$94] $120 $94 | | Self sharpening knife [ 13] 25 13 X| |X LOSS
Showcase showdown #2: $ 800 Ozie 95 goes to the showcases 1,505 Sally 50 + 95 3,141 Lea 10 + 15 25
Showcases: Top winner: Ozie Runner up: Judith SC1 - Judith BID $4,950 "every room in the house" ARP 5,327 Brass bed DIF 377 Range TTL $5,848 Secretary Piano SC2 - Ozie BID $5,000 "Salute to Michael Caine" ARP 7,123 Trip to England DIF 2,123 Trip to Germany Trip to Greece Trip to India
Games Won: 2 for 6 Total Won: $16,856

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